Monday, May 25, 2009

A Week Since The Beginning

When I began this blog about a week ago I never really knew whats going to come out from it. I am not expecting something magical I just wanted to express myself. Like many of the bloggers I want an outlet, to say the words that are running on my mind at the moment, about everything thats is going on. You may find it boring or irrelevant but it is real for me same thing about what is happening in your lives that you wanna talk about. Whether its just a thought or an actual experience I want to share it to someone else, to whom? I don't know. To you I guess, whoever you are reading this. The potential is limitless.

I began by posting my first entry a poem I created years ago when I was at the lowest point in my life, I thought it would be nice to do so. The rest are almost about everything to anything to nothing. I also never thought that someone will actually read my blog besides me. Although the idea of making a blog is to share it to everyone, it never occured to me that somehow people would be interested to read it, and when I gained my first follower and my first comment on a post I made I thought well it's a start... So guys if ever you came across this blog leave a comment, I would very much welcome it.

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