Friday, June 12, 2009

Weight Loss Endeavor

Today I'm going to embark on a heavy task, and when I say heavy I literally mean heavy. I have been preparing my self for the past few days now on going on a diet. I know to some of you out there this might not be a heavy task but for those who had weight problems and tried on loosing them they know pretty much how hard it is to undergo this kind of ordeal. Its a mental game really, self control I might say. Although I'm not what you call an obese person I'm pretty much overweight considering my age and height. So this is it for me. Let's see what happens as I talk about my weight again in a months time. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Old Life

There are times when its hard to accept the things we had done in the past. When I left my work and resigned to me it was the only option left, the pressure was just too much to bear. Thinking about it now I don't know if it was the best decision but still I feel now as I felt before that I had run out of option it was just between leaving or to dig my self deeper, but what is done is done and there is no point of going back and forth and the thing I have to face now is to move on with my life and be true to my self. The truth is I miss my work terribly, I miss the work, I miss the people, I miss my staff. And I was wrong to just cut them off my life, because I'm ashamed to have given up on them when they until now haven't given up on me.

Thursday, June 4, 2009


So Barrack Obama just gave a speech at Cairo about America's new relation with the Muslims. I don't know about this but is this really gonna change everything, we all know that Mr. Obama can talk the talk but can he really change everything in four years or perhaps even in eight. Muslim's hatred towards America is a complex situation. It's a product of decades of foreign policy, whether those policies had failed or succeed would be a long story. Mr. Obama was right that there has to be a point where you start fixing the relations between a culture of freedom versus the radical Islam. Is America willing to pressure the Israeli government towards achieving a lasting peace in the middle east. Are they willing to pull out their troops from Saudi Arabia and other Muslim countries to which some Muslims find offensive for American soldiers to be there. Can they even make a truce to Osama Bin laden without looking like cowards. The truth of the matter is we live in a world where there is no complete solution to the worlds problem. We may solve every problem but we will never get ahead, America will have to compromise something in order to achieve something. It's not that I don't believe that peace can be achieve with the Muslims but the reality is it's not for America to make peace it's for the Muslims to do it. Obama's appeal will only be effective to those who are on his side already, it will only strengthen their belief that he is a good orator but for those who wish death for America no amount of speech can change their way.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


I dream and long for someone like you,
To come in my life and bring something new,
For I need some changes and perhaps hoping someday,
You would come to give answer to my prayer.

You have your life and I have mine,
Living apart from each other where everything is fine,
But there is a part of me I knew that is lacking,
I did not realized until you came knocking.

What a joy you bring when you came into my life,
Taking away the pain the past left behind,
My failures, defeats and all those stories,
Will be gone and replaced with your wonderful memories.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


For the last few weeks I have been walking on a thin line between reality and sanity, between beauty and madness. I am 31 years old and if wisdom is acquired by age, I have a long way to go then. However I believe that wisdom is acquired on the experiences that defines the moment of our existence. I breathe to live, I ate to live, and I rest to live but it isn't enough to keep me alive. For what I can grasp with reason is more real than what I grasp with my senses. And as profound as I want to define my existence in the universe its depth is pulling me towards the abyss.

Experience has taught me that a man must stand and bear his fault in order to be strong and be master of his own universe and the universe only makes sense when we have someone to share our feelings with. For I am not a body with a soul, but a soul with a body and for the last few weeks I have been more aware of this soul. I have been a drifter all my life and now it's all making sense to me. I wanted more than just living, I want to embrace life, to die and be reborn, to fall and rise again, to love and be love by someone whose passion for love is an equal measure to my own. the risk is there I know, but is the risk any greater if I don't try. It is there like the wind, can't be seen but can be felt. I have always remain adamant and steadfast on my endeavor to achieve greatness on my own, and when all is gone there's always silence but silence is rarely a refuge, my thoughts still haunts me.

I Don't Like It

Maybe it's just me, but isn't this the ugliest thing that ever came out from EDSA. My god it's not enough that Bayani Fernando puts fences on our highway, he has to color it pink. This pink fences is causing heavy traffic along EDSA not to mention the country's uneducated and stupid traffic enforcers. This pink fences are suppose to organize passengers waiting for a ride and also putting the fences in the middle of the road to organize busses. Common sense here if you are going to put a fence along the road to separate busses from cars are you not suppose to put it from both ends of the road otherwise busses are just going over it which is what is happening right now. Its causes inconvience more than relief. Can somebody punch Bayani Fernando on the face for wasting my tax money. Only in the Philippines!

Monday, May 25, 2009

A Week Since The Beginning

When I began this blog about a week ago I never really knew whats going to come out from it. I am not expecting something magical I just wanted to express myself. Like many of the bloggers I want an outlet, to say the words that are running on my mind at the moment, about everything thats is going on. You may find it boring or irrelevant but it is real for me same thing about what is happening in your lives that you wanna talk about. Whether its just a thought or an actual experience I want to share it to someone else, to whom? I don't know. To you I guess, whoever you are reading this. The potential is limitless.

I began by posting my first entry a poem I created years ago when I was at the lowest point in my life, I thought it would be nice to do so. The rest are almost about everything to anything to nothing. I also never thought that someone will actually read my blog besides me. Although the idea of making a blog is to share it to everyone, it never occured to me that somehow people would be interested to read it, and when I gained my first follower and my first comment on a post I made I thought well it's a start... So guys if ever you came across this blog leave a comment, I would very much welcome it.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Thinking Out Loud

I often look at life on a frozen time. It's like all the things that happened had only happened at one moment. When I look at old people I think of them as if they have been old ever since. I often forget that once upon a time they too were young just like me now. And come to think of it someday I will be old just like them. same way when I see great people, there is this question inside me whether they have been great from the beginning of their life. Are they born with great minds? One thing is for sure that those who had given greatness to their fellow men are those who had enriched their hearts and minds in solitude. Maybe God did create us as equals that somehow the idea that all of us can be happy and great can in fact makes us happy and great. That all of us has the potential to have what the other has. Maybe that is God's idea of equality.

Looking Beyond

Have you ever looked on humanity
and see not the ugliness but the beauty of its creation,
Have you ever looked on humanity
and see not the imperfections but the likeness to the Creator,
Have you ever looked on humanity
and see not the fear but the courage to confront what can be imagined,
Have you ever looked on a newly born child
and see not the vulnerability but the hope,
Have you ever looked in the eyes of a dying man
and see not the suffering of the body but the celebration of the soul,
For there are things we can see and things we cannot see
but we are not defined on our ability to see things but on the choices we make on what is worthy to look at.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Death Penalty

I am pleading for the future,
I am pleading for time when hatred and cruelty
will not control the hearts of men,
when we can learn by reason and judgement, understanding
and faith that all life is worth saving
and that mercy is the highest attribute of man.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Better Days Ahead

Today I had begun to realize what life is all about. At 31 there are things I should have done and yet I had not but there are still things I can do in the future. So young and yet it seems so old. I wonder what it would be like ten or twenty years from now I would be much older for sure and wiser perhaps. I hope I have enough wisdom to guide me to what is inevitable. I do understand that life is about living and risking for the things we believe in. I know it is about the things we give and not what we wanted to receive and about the choices we make. The ways of life are mysterious but it is through those mysteries that makes life worth living. Life is about standing up for our beliefs even if we have to stand alone, we must take the chance even if we stand on loosing what we wanted to gain. For life offers more to those who believe they can make it happen and offers nothing to those who settles for less. The pain is essential on the path of happiness, for I must take the road of solitude to make me stronger in life one day at a time for I cannot make my days longer but I can make them better.

Feeling Lonely

It's amazing how being rejected can suddenly change your perspective in life. Well I did. I applied for a job yesterday my first attempt in three months and I was not accepted maybe because I was not good enough or maybe it is not for me. I'm trying to convince my self that the right job will come along but it's really hard to build your confidence after rejection. I guess the right attitude is I should not feel sorry for myself and learn from my experience.